Gill and Joyce Families
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Alishusky, Mary
Alishusky, Nicole
Alishusky, Stanley
Barbini, Annette
Bartlett, Marie
Bartlett, Richard
Bocolo, Daniel
Bocolo, Joe
Bocolo, Ruth (Gill)
Boudreaux, Edward
Boudreaux, Jr. Edward
Boudreaux, Ellender
Brady, Patricia (Dennison)
Brady, Patrick
Burns, Mary
Byrne, Nellie (Ford)
Byrne, William (born 1858)
Byrne, William (born 1911)
Cartlidge, Gracie
Cartlidge, Meghan (Duffy)
Cartlidge, Molli
Cartlidge, Ryan
Choman, Aaron
Choman, Alex
Choman, Patty
Choman, Tony
Clark, Kristin
Clark, Noreen
Clark, Tom
Cosgrove, Alice (Gilroy)
Cosgrove, Jack
Culbreth, Derryl
Wedding (2010)
Culbreth, Molly (Gill)
Wedding (2010)
Cummings, Mary (Gilroy)
DeLizzio, Nancy
Dennison, Anne (Gill)
Dennison, Leroy
Dennison, Peggy
Dennison, Richard
Duffy, Frank (born 1948)
Duffy, Frank (born 1976)
Duffy, Frankie (born 2012)
Duffy, Margaret (Gill)
Duffy, Sarah
Duffy, Tommy
Dysleski, Bob
Dysleski, Margaret
Dysleski, Stanley
Dysleski, Stanley, Jr.
Wedding (1982)
Eckenberg, Karen
Fisher, Athalene
Foy, Bill
Gallagher, Joe
Gavin, Margaret
Germann, Fran (Joyce)
Germann, Bill
Germann, Jack
Gill, Alice
Bushkill Falls (1993)
St. John's Reunion (1997)
And Mother (2005-2007)
Gill, Alice (Sister Marita)
Gill, Andrew (Drew)
Gill, Andy
Gill, Anne
And Mother (1992-2000)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
Mainland Europe (1993-2010)
Gill, Artie
Gill, Bea
Gill, Beth
New Jersey Shore (1984)
Eckley Village (1986)
Gill, Bosco
Gill, Brian (born 1953)
Gill, Brian
Gill, Brooke
Gill, Caitlan
Gill, Catherine
- see Mother Marcella
Gill, Deal (Walsh)
Gill, Diana
Gill, Doris (Banks)
Gill, Dorothy (Super)
Wedding (2005)
New York City Triathlon (2017)
Gill, Drew
Christening (1983)
New Jersey Shore (1984)
Eckley Village (1986)
1st Day of Kindergarten (1988)
Kindergarten Graduation (1989)
Birthday Party (1988)
Florida Vacation (1988)
Halloween (1988-1996)
Birthday Party (1989)
Sports (1989-1998)
Birthday Party (1990)
First Communion (1991)
Ocean City Vacation (1992)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
Painting Nora's Bedroom (1996)
8th Grade Graduation (1997)
Switzerland Vacation (1997)
Confirmation (1997)
Birthday Party (1999)
Wilkes-Barre Triathlon (2012)
Gill, Eartha
Gill, Eileen
Gill, Father Nicholas
50th Anniversary - Bradley Beach
50th Anniversary - Wilkes-Barre
Gill, Francis (born 1919)
Gill, Frank
Birthday Party (1947)
Viewing "Slide Show" (2014)
Gill, George
Gill, Grandma
Birthday Party (1958)
Gill, Gretchen
Gill, Iggy
Gill, Jack
Gill, James
Gill, Jane (Staniorski)
Gill, Jennifer
Gill, Jim
Gill, John (born 1852)
Gill, John (born 1881)
Gill, John (born 1916)
Birthday Party (1986)
Gill, John (born 1961)
First Communion (1969)
Halloween (1963-1979)
Confirmation (1973)
Birthday Party (2011)
Gill, John (born 1983)
Gill, John (born 1987)
Gill, Joseph (born 1862)
Gill, Joseph (born 1918)
Gill, Joseph (born 1968)
Gill, Judy (Emons)
Gill, Judy (Purcell)
Gill, Judy (born 1984)
Gill, Kara
Gill, Kathleen
Gill, Kathryn
Gill, Kayla
Gill, Kelly (born 1990)
Gill, Kevin
Gill, Leslie
Gill, Liam
Gill, Liz
First Communion (1967)
Confirmation (1973)
Drexel Graduation (1986)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
And Mother (1997-2007)
Gill, Maggie (Oldziejewski)
Gill, Marcy (Krathwohl)
Gill, Margaret (Gilroy)
Birthday Party (1958)
Gill, Margaret
Gill, Maribel
Gill, Maria (Nolan)
Gill, Marie (Orson)
Gill, Mark
Gill, Martha
Christening (1996)
Gill, Mary (born 1914)
Gill, Mary (born 1947)
First Communion (1954)
New Jersey Shore (1984)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
Switzerland Vacation (1997)
And Mother (1999-2005)
Gill, Mary (Boudreaux)
Wedding (1975)
Gill, Mary (Sister Ricarda)
Gill, Mary Ann (Resony)
Gill, Mary Pat (Cosgrove)
Gill, Mary Patricia (Joyce)
Misericordia (1936-2000)
Florida (1945)
Lufkin Trip (1983)
50th Anniversary (1992)
Birthday Party (1999)
New York City (1999)
Canal Trip (2000)
Gill, Maura
Gill, Max
Gill, Max (Texas)
Gill, Michael
First Communion (1953)
Molly's Wedding (2010)
Gill, Michelle
Gill, Mollie (Crossin)
Gill, Mollie (born 1992)
Gill, Mother Marcella
Gill, Nala
Gill, Ned
Gill, Nick (born 1948)
Wedding (1975)
Gill, Nick (born 1985)
Gill, Noodles
Gill, Nora
First Communion (1962)
8th Grade Graduation (1969)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
St. John's Reunion (1997)
Ireland (2003)
Ocean City, Maryland (2004)
Birthday Party (2005)
Atlantic City (2005)
And Mother (2005-2007)
Gill, Noreen
Gill, Papa
Gill, Patricia (McGlynn)
Gill, Patrick (born 1969)
Gill, Patrick born 1995)
Gill, Patrick born 2003)
Gill, Patrick born 2011)
First Birthday Party (2012)
Third Birthday Party (2014)
First Communion (2019)
Gill, Peter
First Communion (1959)
Confirmation (1963)
New Jersey Shore (1984)
Eckley Village (1986)
Gill, PJ
Christening (1979)
Halloween (1979-1988)
Rocky (1982-1985)
New Jersey Shore (1984)
Birthday Party (1986)
Eckley Village (1986)
First Communion (1987)
Birthday Party (1987)
Sports (1987-1996)
Birthday Party (1988)
Maine Vacation (1988)
Florida Vacation (1988)
Ocean City Vacation (1992)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
Painting Nora's Bedroom (1996)
High School Graduation (1997)
Wedding (2005)
Richmond Marathon (2008)
Richmond Triathlon (2010)
Richmond Triathlon "Video" (2010)
Pocono Mnts Ironman 70.3 (2011)
New York City Marathon (2011)
Wilkes-Barre Triathlon (2012)
Steamtown Marathon Weekend (2015)
Gill, Rachel - see Rachel Helmick
Gill, Reita (Wright)
Gill, Richard (born 1949)
Gill, Richard (born 1884)
Gill, Richard (born 1924)
Gill, Richard (born 1956)
Gill, Robert -see Father Nicholas
Gill, Robert (born 1932)
Gill, Robert (born 1946)
Gill, Robert (born 1963)
Gill, Robert (born 1993)
Gill, Shannon
Gill, Sister Marita
50th Anniversary (1989)
Gill, Sister Ricarda
Gill, Sophia
Gill, Tim
Gill, Tom (born 1879)
Gill, Tom (born 1918)
School (1926-1985)
Florida (1945)
Birthday Party (1952)
Lufkin Trip (1983)
50th Anniversary (1992)
Gill, Tom (born 1944)
Florida (1945)
First Communion (1952)
Gill, Tom (born 1961)
Gill, Tricia (Tumminello)
Gilroy, Elizabeth
Gilroy, Harold
Gilroy, John (born 1854)
Gilroy, John (born 1890)
Gilroy, Joseph
Gilroy, Leo (Father Leo)
Gilroy, Margaret (Bonner)
Gilroy, Martin
Gilroy, Mary (Sister Madelena)
Gilroy, Michael
Gilroy, Regina (Sister Ethelbert)
Gilroy, Rosalie
Gilroy, Sister Ethelbert
Gilroy, Sister Madalena
Gilroy, Will
Golida, Chris
Golida, John
Grace, Elizabeth (Sister Elizabeth)
Grant, Rocky
Griffin, Mike
Gripp, Natalie
Gripp, Tom
Handschue, Deborah (Gill)
Handschue, Heather
Handschue, Robert
Haigney, Catherine (Gill)
Haigney, Jim
Haigney, John
Haigney, Margaret
Haigney, Margaret (born c2003)
Haigney, Michael
Haigney, Roger
Hearilla, Ted
Heffron, Greg
Wedding (2005)
Heffron, Mindy
Wedding (2005)
Heffron, Pat
Ireland (2003)
Ocean City, Maryland (2004)
Atlantic City (2005)
Helmick, Brian
Rachel and Brian's Engagement Party (2016)
Helmick, Eileen
Helmick, Elmer
Helmick, Rachel
Christening (1981)
Wilkes-Barre (1981)
Pennsylvania (1983)
First Communion (1989)
Pennsylvania (1991)
Pennsylvania New Jersey (1993)
Bushkill Falls (1993)
Pennsylvania (1994)
New York City (1999)
Rachel and Brian's Engagement Party (2016)
Hinchcliffe, Blanche
Hinchcliffe, Gertrude
Hinchcliffe, Sarah (Kane)
Isaacs, Danny
Jackson, Lisa
Johnson, Tommy
Joyce, Bonnie
Joyce Germann, Fran
Joyce, George
Joyce, Grandfather
Joyce, Grandmother
Joyce, Heather
Joyce, Jacob
Joyce, Joseph (born 1877)
Joyce, Joseph (born 1915)
Joyce, Lisa
Joyce, Mary (Collier)
Joyce, Mary (Hinchcliffe)
Joyce, Michael
Joyce, Ned
Joyce, Patrick (born 1867)
Joyce, Patrick (born 1944)
Joyce, Ro (Mulcahy)
Kachel, Alan
Kachel, Allison
Kachel, Eric
Kachel, Mary Kay (Bocolo)
Kleck, Bob
Lee, Brooke
Lee, Kelly (Gill)
Lee, Taylor
Lehman, Diane (Gill)
Lenahan, Sarah Ellen
Leone, JoAnn
Lynch, Harold
McGeehan, Anne (Gill)
McGuire, Catherine
Gill Visits (1963-1966)
McGuire, Thomas
Mahon, Margaret (Gill)
Mahon, Margaret
Mahon, Bartley
Mahon, John (born 1916)
Mahon, John (born 1943)
Merritt, Ann Marie (Gill)
Merritt, James (born 1947)
Merritt, James (born 1978)
Merritt, Mark
Minarik, Rosalie (Gilroy)
Moore, Mollie
Moran, Grant
Morrissey, Billy
Morrissey, Bridget
Morrissey, Charlotte
Morrissey, Ibis
Morrissey, Laura
Morrissey, Nick
Morrissey, Red (Bill)
Mulcahy, Peg
Oldziejewski, Frank
Oldziejewski, Nancy
Pedana, Marlene
Reddington, Margaret (Gilroy)
Reilly, Margie (Gilroy)
Reilly, Phil
Rittenhouse, Rob
Ruberstein, Mark
Sadowski, Tristan
Sawchak, Stacy
Schiffman, Hannah
Schiffman, Jacob
Schiffman, Jon
Schiffman, Nancy
Spellman, Jude
Spellman, Mary Ann
Spellman, Mary Jo
Spellman, Patty
Super, Ellie
Super, Jenn
Super, Mary Lou
Super, Thomas
Super, Tom
Super, Tom (born 1977)
Warke, Charlotte
Washcallis, Nana
Womer, Alicia
Yankovich, Katie
Zemanick, Steve