Gill and Joyce Families

When your "Search for Photos" is completed the results will appear as thumbnail photos (210 X 150 adjusted for the aspect ratio.). You can click on any photo to see a larger thumbnail (630 X 450 adjusted for the aspect ratio) in a new tab. You can then click on the "Largest Size" link to see the photo at the size it was uploadedd to this site.

So the "Largest Size" for a photo is the highest resolution for that photo on this site.

Search for Photos

1. Visit People in Photos to find individual links to photos for each of the 288 individuals indexed in the Photos Database.

2. Find Photos with any combinations of the choices listed in 1 through 4.

1) Years Photos were Shot

2) Locations where Photos were Shot

3) Events at which Photos were Shot

4) Dates Photos were added to Database

3. Find Photos using Photo Numbers

Enter a Photo Number so you can:
  • view that photo
  • view other photos in Photo Number order
  • view additional photos by their Photo Numbers
Search for a Photo:
The Photo Numbers currently range between 1001 and 6999. Enter 4 digits only - no commas.

 Photo Number


4. See Photos with Unidentified People - maybe you will recognize someone. In some photos no one has been identified - in other photos at least one person has not been identified.

Contact Tom if you can provide any information about any of these photos.