Gill and Joyce Families

There are 6,005 photos in the Photos Database.

1. Visit People in Photos to find individual links to photos for each of the 288 individuals indexed in the Photos Database.

2. Visit Search for Photos for more search options and tips for displaying photos.

3. See Photos with Unidentified People - maybe you will recognize someone. In some photos no one has been identified - in other photos at least one person has not been identified.

Contact Tom if you can provide any information about any of these photos.


There are 11 videos on this site.

Visit Videos for descriptions of the videos that can be viewed on this site.

Contact Tom if you would like to upload a video to this site.


There are 2,367 names in the Genealogy Database.

1. Visit Alphabetical Listing for links to biographical information on 345 individual family members.

2. Visit Gill Joyce Family Trees to see the Gill and Joyce Family Trees.

3. Find family information and relationships - see how people are related in these families: Gill, Joyce, Gilroy. Hinchcliffe, Nolan, Gavin, Bonner, Kane, Loftus and Stahl.

Albums, Books and more

1. Visit How a Little Pine Became a Christmas Tree to read Grandmother Joyce's short story that Mother published for her family in 1997.

2. At Frank's viewing on August 5, 2014 there was a slide show of 51 photos. Visit Frank's Photos to see the photos in the same order that they were shown at the viewing.

3. In 1973 or 1974 Sister Marita created 2 and possibly 3 photo albums for her nephews and nieces. See Sister Marita's Photo Albums to learn more and see the photos in the albums.

4. Visit Pioneer Days in the Wyoming Valley to read Grandmother Joyce's book online - provided by Penn State University where the book is in the school's Digital Library Collection.

5. See A History of Early Christian Art to read Grandmother Joyce's book on this site.

6. Visit Our Baby Record for Ned Joyce to read about some of the key events during the first year of Ned's life. Ned was born on May 17, 1913.